Oyster Copper Turquoise
Oyster Copper Turquoise
oyster copper Turquoise - Echo of a Stone
Oyster Copper Turquoise
Oyster Copper Turquoise
Oyster Copper Turquoise

Oyster Copper Turquoise

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Oyster copper Turquoise

 Dispels negative energy and is said to be a purification stone. It instils inner calm and by balancing all the chakras it stabilises the mood swings (the frame of mind).

Turquoise is perhaps the oldest stone in human history, the talisman of kings, shaman, and warriors. It is a stone of protection, strong and opaque, yet soothing to the touch, healing to the eye, as if carved from an azure heaven and slipped to earth.

Turquoise, the stone of cheerfulness to the soul. 

Legendary powers: A stone sacred to the Egyptian Goddess Hathor( Venus) it's said to be imbued with her protective magic. Powers of abundance and protection were believed to be carried in the stone according to legends.

Transformational powers: It aids in removing negative self sabotaging belief patterns, by focusing on solutions instead of problems. It reminds you that you are a spiritual being having a human experience.

Chakra: Throat, Third Eye 

Vibrations: High