Experience the magic of Psychedelic (purple glitter) Jade mushroom on amethyst, a one-of-a-kind art piece that embodies the energies of Jade and Amethyst. $20. Jade is a symbol of protection and good fortune, and is connected to weather magic. Its vibration is earthy and high, and it is associated with the heart chakra.
Size: 1" Jade mushroom on 2" Amethyst chunk.
Fun facts :
The value of jade as a precious gemstone is deeply rooted in various cultures worldwide. The Chinese believe that jade embodies five great virtues: wisdom, justice, modesty, courage, and purity. In ancient times, jade was buried with high-ranking officials to delay decomposition. The Maori of New Zealand believe that jade is a talisman that guarantees long life and fertility. The Aztecs revered jade for its healing properties and believed it connected them to their gods. The Spanish named jade after their conquest of South America.